2025 Northern Piedmont, NC Farm School

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Are you an aspiring farmer? Do you need help developing a farm business plan? The idea of being a first-generation farmer can feel overwhelming! NC Farm School can help you break into the agricultural industry and give you the guidance needed to succeed! Join one of the four 2025 NC Farm School programs.

Here’s what other participants have said: We attended the farm school to develop a good farm plan and learn what plants and animals that may be profitable. It helped us focus on creating a long and a short range list of goals in order to be successful,” expressed Lisa Willingham.

During NC Farm School, Cassie Tuckey learned the importance of building her knowledge base of agriculture before starting a farm. “I attended NC Farm School as a way to understand how to ‘be a farmer,’ and to figure out where in the world to start… I didn’t realize how much I needed to know.”

“The most unexpected, yet beneficial piece of Farm School are the networks created. This is a very tough business, requiring significant time investment. Having a group of people to turn to for guidance, information, support and encouragement in the local agents and fellow Farm School graduates is invaluable,” remarked Cassie.

NC Farm School includes four classroom sessions, one-on-one business planning, an on-farm consultation, and visits to existing farms. Classes will be held on Tuesdays from 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.:

  • February 4, Forsyth County
  • March 4, Stokes County
  • April 1, Davie County
  • May 6, Yadkin County

Learn more at: NC Farm School (Scroll down for the Northern Piedmont school if you are in Stokes, Forsyth, Davie, Yadkin Counties or that proximity.)

Stokes County residents can contact April Bowman, Livestock Extension Agent by email at awbowman@ncsu.edu, or Matt Lenhardt, County Extension Director and Consumer Horticulture Agent at malenhar@ncsu.edu or by phone at 336-593-8179.

farm school photo